Interactive Brokers as a Tech Platform
Plus! Structure; AI and Creativity; Yield; Small Caps; Retrades
Plus! Structure; AI and Creativity; Yield; Small Caps; Retrades
Plus! War Finance Meets Green Finance; AI-Assisted Creativity; Property Rights and Mortal Institutions; Complements; Hedge Funds
Lifting, Outliers, Academic Fraud, Primaries, Schizophrenia, Bubbles, Corporate Mortality, Meritocracy
Plus! B-List Financiers; AGI; Bing; Trophy Assets; Shifting the Risk Distribution
Plus! Learning to Learn; Ambient Search; Perks and Opportunity Cost; Developing Immunities; Agile Retention
Plus! Buy The Change You Wish to See in the World; Schmuck Insurance; Uncertainty; Block Trading; Ads
Patio11, Elites, Judo, Sales, Steppes, Prediction Markets, Opportunity Cost, Advanced Portfolio Management
Plus! Google and Amazon Fight Over Where in the Stack the AI Lives; Comparative Advantage; Portfolio Adjustments; Cyclical Sub-Industries; The Costs and Benefits of Menu Items
Plus! Operating Leverage; Drones; Globalization; The Cadence of Hits; Pricing
Plus! Pricing; OpenAI/NYT; Shorting; Lags; Negotiations
Plus! The Noise Election; Automation; Complementary Businesses; Talent Cycles; The Mechanics of Regulatory Moats
Gates, US Steel, Google, Patents, Denmark, Education, Profits, Bleichröder