PagerDuty: "Uptime is Money"
Plus! Gasoline, Kerosene, Alpha, and Other Things Derived from Oil; Cost Cuts and Remote; Bond Math; Super Bowl Ads and Cycles; More Countercyclical Hiring
Plus! Gasoline, Kerosene, Alpha, and Other Things Derived from Oil; Cost Cuts and Remote; Bond Math; Super Bowl Ads and Cycles; More Countercyclical Hiring
Plus! Scale and Moderation, For Better or Worse; Writing Puts; Countercyclical Hiring; Slightly Slower Streaming Consolidation; Expansion, Consolidation, and Poaching
Plus! Valuations; Instacart Goes Down the Stack; Amazon Aggregation Lives!; The Short-Covering Rally; Capital Allocation
Plus! Frontends All The Way Down; Alternative Data; Competition; Network Effects and IPO Listings; Decentralizing Twitter Revenue; Diff Jobs
Andreessen, AI, Sunk Costs, Risk, ML & Biology, Valuation, Wirecard
Plus! The Big Tech AI Rollout; The Big Tech AI Rollout, Continued; ETFs and Market Timing; Net and Gross Hiring; Manufacturing
Plus! Meta; Sentiment and Fraud; The Two News Paradoxes; Meet the New TV Business, Same as the Old TV Business; Indicators
Plus! The OpenAI Zaibatsu; First-Party Data, Always; The EV Buildout; Streaming Consolidation, the Easy Way; Turnover
Plus! The OpenAI Zaibatsu; First-Party Data, Always; The EV Buildout; Streaming Consolidation, the Easy Way; Turnover
Plus! Apple AR; Car Loans and Non-Stationary Distribution; Shorting; Working Capital; Acceleration; Diff Jobs
AI Economic, High-Variance Management, Gossip, AI Content, Wealth, Economics, China
Plus! AI Buzz, Newsfeed; Goldman; Raw MAterials; Tech and Activists; Currency Controls