System1: First-Party Cookie Monster
Plus! Capital Returns; Continuous Releases; Points and Ads; Omnichannel Real Estate; Work-From-Home and Duration
Plus! Capital Returns; Continuous Releases; Points and Ads; Omnichannel Real Estate; Work-From-Home and Duration
Plus! Continuous Release and Costs; Reflexivity in Crypto; Rentals; Peloton and Subscription; Buying Back
Spotify, Groceries, Podcasts, Minsky, Professionalization, Netflix
Plus! Buy-to-Sell?; Dematerializing Gaming; New Profits in Old Media; Insourcing; Diff Jobs
Plus! Ad Expansion; Centralizing Crypto; Monetizing Exhaust; The Changing World of Disinformation
Plus! Network Effects, Perceived and Real; Options and Futures; Cyber Insurance; More Crossover Funds; Closed on top of Open
Plus! The Paradox of Decentralization and NFTs; Pigouvian Benefits Update; Two Kinds of Growth; Accidental Shortages; LNGeopolitics, Continued
Automated Trading, Airdrops, Sequoia, Flexport, Starlink, Gaming
Plus! The Carbon Rally; The Bridge; Housing and Rates; Full Stack Media; Buying Out Contracts; Diff Jobs
Plus! Microsoft's Pre-Regulation; B2B Super Bowl Ads; Flighty Retail Investors; Discount Airlines; Carbon Short Squeeze Update; Payments, Messaging, and Network Effects
Plus! Antitrust and Economics; Supply Chains Slow M&A; Streaming and Channel Conflicts; Pay Convergence; e-CNY
Plus! Search, Distribution, and Platform Shifts; Dueling Subsidies; Signal and Noise in Employment Numbers; Who Gets Hit by Logistics Problems; Platforms, Publishers, and In Between