Just One Thing or Every Single Thing?
Plus! Media Disintermediation; Amazon’s Tactical PR, Con’t.; Roll Your Own Green Zone
Plus! Media Disintermediation; Amazon’s Tactical PR, Con’t.; Roll Your Own Green Zone
Plus! Fin Du Tech: Google; Platform Politics; The Amazon Third-Party Rollup Continues; Bipartisan China Hawkishness; Details Compound; Opco/Propco Split
Plus! Vaccine Economics and Emerging Markets; Big Tech and the Missing Middle; The Personal, The Political, and Ant; Form, Function, and Ads; More...
Plus! Garden-Path E-Commerce; Micro-PE in Amazon Retail; The Post-Covid Setup; Singles Day
Plus! Amazon and the Middle Mile; Vaccine Updates; M&A Protectionism; Discretionary Quants; Uber’s Duration Extension; Apolitical Facebook
Plus! Vaccine!; Amazon and Labor Price Discrimination; The Slow, Subjective Pension Cut; A Test Case for Yelp Moderation; Ads and Surplus Capture
Plus! Amazon’s Third-Party Data; The Lucas Critique in Finance; Matching the Huawei Strategy; Froth; Demand and Logistics
Plus! Weekly Q&A, Work-From-Home Metrics, The Single-State Pension Bailout, Emergency Use, Collective Bargaining for Data, More...
Plus! OPEC’s Game Theory; Reddit Returns to Tradition; LendingClub Gets Exclusive; Games Eat the Real World; “Full-Stack SPAC”; More...
Plus! Clone Day; Amazon: Publisher or Store? More Advertising; Retail Risk; Reliance; More...
Plus! TikTok’s Key Money, Germany’s Other Export, Coordinated Authentic Behavior, More...
Plus! Belt & Road & Vial; CCP and SMBs; Hire Fast, Transfer Fast; Life Imitates Science Fiction; More...