Where Payments Fit Into Super Apps
Plus! The Great Stagnation in Defense; 33-Bit Ads; Fixing the Value Factor; Miami Shift; More Amazon Roll-Ups
Plus! The Great Stagnation in Defense; 33-Bit Ads; Fixing the Value Factor; Miami Shift; More Amazon Roll-Ups
Plus! Facebook's Outsourcing Moderation; Amazon's Outsourced SEO; Scarce and Free Resources; Moderating Social (Pt. 3); Business Travel and Veblen; Intel's Semi-Hack
Plus! Vaccine Economics and Emerging Markets; Big Tech and the Missing Middle; The Personal, The Political, and Ant; Form, Function, and Ads; More...
Plus! Ant IPO Ain’t (For Now), The Cost of Automation,The NHS Bug, Spotify and the Rich/Famous Tradeoff, More...
Plus! The Startup Cycle; Buybacks; Return-on-Kickback; Legalization; Housing; Big Tech, Monopolies, and Attack Surface; TikTok