Banking Wants to be Free, But Free Banking Wants to be Dangerous
Plus! Delta and Travel; Currency Disputes; The Very Short Recession; The Lumpy Recovery; Self-Driving Cars: Zero-to-One or One-to-N?
Plus! Delta and Travel; Currency Disputes; The Very Short Recession; The Lumpy Recovery; Self-Driving Cars: Zero-to-One or One-to-N?
Plus! De-Dollarization on Paper; The Amazon Bundle; The Extension Market; Zombie Airlines; Supersonic; Fractal Fraud
Plus! Etsy/Depop: Networks Are Made of People (With Birthdays); AMC's Popcorn; Amazon, Regulator; Rollups and the Mid-Platform; Bubble as Hedge
Plus! A SPAC Modest Proposal; Scraping for Profit; Post-Cookie; Best Buy Bundle; Debt is Here; The Short-Selling Cycle
Plus! China's Inflation Inflection; The Next Amazon IPO; The First Shopify Pivot; The Other Two Supply Chains; Non-Monolithic China
Plus! State Fiscal Challenges: Not Universal; The Game Theory of a Tech Scene; Counter-Moderation; Venezuela (Gradually) Liberalizes; Ponzi Demographics; Work-to-Rule Protectionism
Plus! Tech and Journalism; Competition; Equity for Gig Workers; Content Studios and Talent Agencies; Death of a Carry Trade
Plus! The Gini Coefficient Bull Case for SaaS; Big Banks as Common Carriers; Yuan Bonds; In-House Chips; Understanding Consulting
Plus! Bitcoin, Flows, Autochthony; Digital Media, Distribution, Autochthony; Leaving “Little Taipei”; Scrap
Plus! Covid and Imbalances; Intangibles; Unbundling NYC; How Could Quibi Have Won?; Semiconductor Chaos
Plus! Tesla Goes Post-PR, H-1B Arbitrage, Trade Wars: US vs China or US vs Imports, More...
Plus! France’s New Industrial Policy, China Exit Subsidies, China Chips, Basic Income With Right-Wing Populist Characteristics, Facebook’s Election Redistribution, Antitrust Timing