Politics and the Media Cycle
Plus! Content Recycling and Growth; The Web3 Arbitrage; Statistical ESG; Underwriting; The Summer of Revenge Travel
Plus! Content Recycling and Growth; The Web3 Arbitrage; Statistical ESG; Underwriting; The Summer of Revenge Travel
Plus! Demographic Arbitrage; The Funds Trying to Break the Bank of Bitcoin; Two Sides to the Market; The Monetization/Moderation Tradeoff; Japan and SaaS; Investment, Buybacks, and Refoundings
Plus! Revolving Doors; Sanctions; Iterating; Bad Funds, Conflicts, and Bias; Diff Jobs
Plus! Microsoft's Pre-Regulation; B2B Super Bowl Ads; Flighty Retail Investors; Discount Airlines; Carbon Short Squeeze Update; Payments, Messaging, and Network Effects
Plus! Meta Data; Pandemic Inequality; Early Exit; Carbon Inflation; No More FLoC