When and Why to Shut Down an Exchange
Plus! Deepfakes; Ending Algorithmic Parallel Construction; The Movie Business is now the Streaming Business; Reopening Vietnam; Omnichannel Food
Plus! Deepfakes; Ending Algorithmic Parallel Construction; The Movie Business is now the Streaming Business; Reopening Vietnam; Omnichannel Food
Plus! Alpha and Attribution in VC; Background and Foreground Streaming; Capital Advantage; Non-Recarbonization
Plus! Hormetic Disruptions; The Microeconomics of the Return to Office; Away From Russia, With Effort; NFT Consolidation; What Users Want to Want
Confucius, Libra, Tech and War, Russian Gas, OSINT, Ryanair
Plus! PR Campaigns for Ads; Underperformance; Monetizing Dead Mileage; Movies and Dynamic Pricing; Peloton and Inventory Management
Plus! A Series of Tubes; What Not to Boycott; Leasing; Apple and TSMC; When an Ad-Based Business is an Ad
Plus! Hacks; Digital Prosthetics and Mixed Media; Energy Independence; The New Map; Order Frequency
Plus! No Neutral Parties; Manual Moderation; Better Ad Buying; Exporting Inflation to Japan
ESG, Short Selling, Russia, Sanctions, Kazakhstan, Tisch
Plus! The Next Conflicts; Decentralization as a Liability; Decentralization as an Asset; Reopening; Succession Problems; Diff Jobs
Plus! Ukraine and Air Freight; Russia and China; Going Greenish; Logistics and Lead Generation; Games and Marketing
Plus! Decentralization; The S in ESG; The Residual Claimant; Japan's Delayed Recovery; Getting Away from Gas