Amazonifying the Un-Amazonable
Plus! Etsy/Depop: Networks Are Made of People (With Birthdays); AMC's Popcorn; Amazon, Regulator; Rollups and the Mid-Platform; Bubble as Hedge
Plus! Etsy/Depop: Networks Are Made of People (With Birthdays); AMC's Popcorn; Amazon, Regulator; Rollups and the Mid-Platform; Bubble as Hedge
Plus! Frontend Omnichannel, Backend Specialization; Another Business Mafia; Cloud Computing: Cheap Because it's Expensive; Apple's Leads; Black Starts; Smart Lamps
Email, Kipping, YOLO, Variance, WASPs, China,
Plus! Millennials: Not Poor, But Levered; Vaccine Markets; Only Chamath can go to the SEC Headquarters; Reigning Over Big Tech in China; Investment Boom; Archegos and SPACs
Plus! Developers, Developers, Developers; Viral Science; "The Cloud is just some other country's computer"; Stock Radio; Video, In-Person, and Deal Cadence; Credit; Working Capital
Plus! Insourcing; Cheap Capital; Two-Sided Networks; On Commodities; Friction/Monetization Arbitrage
Plus! Supply Chains; Building Better Metrics; Linkrot; Virtual Veblen; Digital Sovereignty; What Exactly is Inflation?
Politics, Upside, Construction, Regulation, Stripe, Amazon
Plus! Fungible Energy Jobs; Robinhood's Other IPO News; Financial Engineering in Home Improvement; The Case for Steeply Progressive Ad Taxes; Like OPEC In a Good Way
Plus! Bitcrash; Amazon Ads Matures; Securitized Everything; Why the Colonial Hackers got Paid; Expensive Carbon; Alternative Platforms
Plus! Auction Economics; No Supply Boom in Lumber (Yet?); Apple and China; Doing VC as a Complement to Getting VC
Plus! Hacks and Liability; Monopoly Triangulation; Medium Tech Sees Like a State; Transient Inflation; Stranded Gas Assets