Weekend Longreads + Open Thread
Meritocracy, Capitalism and Religion, Jane Street, Eggheads, Apollo, Autism
Meritocracy, Capitalism and Religion, Jane Street, Eggheads, Apollo, Autism
Plus! GameStop; Too Much of a Good Thing; Controlled Boom; Decarbonizing; Taiwan and China; Local News
Plus! Subscriber Q&A; Return of the Tontine; Amazon and the Minimum Wage; Granularity and Price Discrimination; Decarbonizing; The Vaccine Distribution Supply Chain
Plus! Gamestop Loss; Gramscian Bitcoin; 2 & 20 Media; Funnel Capture; Airline Loyalty Programs as a DTC Brand; Palantir, From The Inside
Plus! The Chip Shortage; Gamestop; Roll-Your-Own Right-To-Be-Forgotten; Rideshare Elasticity; The V/L Recovery in Travel
Foxconn, Charter Cities, Democracy in Cambodia, Chips, Intel
Plus! Facebook's Outsourcing Moderation; Amazon's Outsourced SEO; Scarce and Free Resources; Moderating Social (Pt. 3); Business Travel and Veblen; Intel's Semi-Hack
Plus! Sanctions, Continued; The More-Than-SolarWinds Hack; Defense Tech; Regulation and Scale; Explaining the Unprofitable Stock Rally; Reverse War Economy Continues
Plus! Navigating Bubbles; Monopoly and Monoculture; US/China Relations: Unchanged; How Vaccines Get Made; The Container Shortage
Plus! Patching the Vaccine System, Pigovian Pandemic Taxes, The Limits on Remote Work, Decentralizing Social Media, Sanctions
Plus! Big Tech Sees Like a State Update; Why Don't Car Subscriptions Work; Taylorism-as-a-Service; The Semiconductor Boom; R&D and the Genius Problem
Plus! Technical CEOs; Tax Theater; Correlated Volatility; Seeing Like a State Updates