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Import 2022-12-07 11:48

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  1. Overthinking Elevators

    Everyone knows you can justify writing about any trend as long as you have three examples. So I was absolutely thrilled to see this tweet: The time has come. Join me as I overthink elevators. Elevators are a big deal because interruptions are a big deal. There is almost no

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  2. Peak California, Revisited

    In Peak California, I argued that California was no longer the best place in the world for startups, but that the state’s economic ecosystem and tax ecosystem rely on a steady flow of new companies. I got some feedback. In this post, I’ll address some of the questions

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  3. Sin, Secret, Series A

    “How many secrets are there in the world? Recall that, reframed in a business context, the key question is: what great company is no one starting? If there are many possible answers, it means that there are many great companies that could be created. If there are no good answers,

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  4. Pandora’s Shipping Container

    The world economy has grown by about 19x since 1950. Total trade has grown by around 60x. This means the world economy has gotten much more globalized since the middle of the last century.The Box is the story of how. The short version is that shipping used to be

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  5. What We Talk About When We Talk About Stocks

    People talk about stocks a lot. Individual equities, the market as a whole, etc. But there’s wide disagreement on exactly what we mean. This is not an accident. If we all agreed on the fundamentals, there would be less to talk about: one of the persistent aberrations academics struggle

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  6. The Man Who Knew

    Does Alan Greenspan still matter? Reassessing his legacy feels like the Cadaver Synod: we’ll dig up a bunch of FOMC transcripts from the early 2000s and complain that the Fed was completely unaware of what is obvious only in hindsight. Rehabilitating Greenspan is equally pointless, though: he was the

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  7. WORK’s War on Slack

    A quick blueprint for a successful company: 1. Start with a team of talented perfectionists, ideally ones who prefer non-verbal communication. 2. Work on a task that’s either impossible or so vague that it might as well be. 3. Once it’s apparent that you will never achieve your

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  8. The Startling Convexity of Expertise

    There’s this meme that you shouldn’t work more than forty hours per week. Don’t believe it. It’s just laziness apologetics. If you’re reading it on Twitter or Hacker News, it doesn’t apply to your job. There are studies showing that productivity per hour drops

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  9. La Fin Du Tech

    There’s a general recipe for megacap success: find a business where the upfront costs are high, the marginal costs are low, and building a copy is much more expensive than building the original. This is the very high-level outline of every large-cap tech success story, but it extends beyond

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