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Import 2022-12-07 11:48

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  1. Big Debt Crises, Bigger Debt Crises

    I’ve been looking forward to reading Ray Dalio’s Big Debt Crises ever since I slowly gave up on Principles. Dalio runs Bridgewater Associates, a hedge fund notable for two things: 1. It’s an extraordinarily large fund with a track record that’s either solid (in terms of

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  2. Diversify Your Child’s Media Diet

    One of the things I struggle with as a parent is instilling kids with the right values, as opposed to the values that are popular right now. Weirdly, I hear parents talk about their concerns in the opposite direction: that their kids won’t be quite socialized enough to believe

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  3. Cost-First New Year’s Resolutions

    It’s the last day of the year, so it’s time for the tradition of trying not to think about how you failed at your New Years resolutions. The making of New Years resolutions is a durable tradition, but not because it works at its stated goal: New Years

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  4. Alpha Buybacks and Beta Buybacks

    Buybacks by quarter, courtesy of S&P by way of Yardeni Research. One of the classic tropes of lazy financial journalists goes like this: XYZ Co spent half of their free cash flow on buybacks this year, but the stock dropped! They lost their shareholders billions of dollars! What

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  5. Volatility: One Theorem, One Lemma, Zero Paradoxes

    A common theme I’ve mentioned — in pieces on mortgages, industry demographics, energy, and bubbles generally — is the idea that the perception of lower risk creates the reality of higher risk. This theme is hardly original to me; Hyman Minsky wrote about it, and anybody can intuit it from thinking

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  6. Modern Life Skills: Recognizing ML Weirdness

    A few weeks ago, the CEO of a Chinese company got in some legal trouble. They had her dead to rights: a camera had seen her crossing a street against the light, facial recognition software had matched her image to a database, and so she was promptly issued a ticket.

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  7. Wrong But Coherent

    One of the best business parables goes like this: A man walks into a bar, and he tells the bartender “I bet you $10 I can bite my eye.” The bartender says “You’re on.” He pops out his glass eye, puts it in his mouth, and bites down. The

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