How Amazon Does Strategy
Plus! Liquidity and Leverage; Crypto Bailouts; Baggage Tech; Splinternet by Other Means; Outsourcing, Latency, and Extra Clicks
Plus! Liquidity and Leverage; Crypto Bailouts; Baggage Tech; Splinternet by Other Means; Outsourcing, Latency, and Extra Clicks
Plus! Celsius; The Uber Playbook; Price Discrimination and Amortization; Pricing Power; Sanctions; Diff Jobs
Plus! Still Growing; Drones;' Cheap Japan; Japan's Governance Problems in Microcosm; War and MMT Update
Plus! Facebook; Building the Fame Bundle; The Rollups Continue; The EV Buildout
Plus! Facebook and PR Strategy; Business Travel; Unbranding; Iron
Plus! Fraud and Measurement Error; When Sanctions Work; Distribution-Focused Media; In-Company Decentralization; Pension Reform, Gradually
Plus! Distributed Spam; Credential Sharing; Privacy and Scoundrels; Tax Globally, Credit Locally; Free Trade Experiments; The Cure For High Prices
Plus! More Moderation; Social Competition; Carbon Updates; Abstract Prices, Concrete Supply Chains; Format Replacement
Plus! Clubhouse and Clubhouses; Private Planes Go Public; More Decarbonization; Supply Chains as a Hostage Negotiation; Coasian Parliament
Plus! Institutional Bitcoin; Credit, Trust, and Card-Counting; What Democracy Looks Like; Valuable Discoveries; Shopify and Management by Metaphor; From Full-Stack to Software
Plus! SPAC-Offs, Point-of-Sale Lending and the Other Amazon, Bipartisan China Hawks, Closet Quants?
Plus! Google and Grep Risk, App Store Politics, SPACs and IP, Shrinkflation, Dogfooding, More...