Your Life is (Almost) a Call Option
Plus! Reactive Strategy; Working it Out; Standardizing the Metaverse; Probability; When Payments Work; Introducing Diff Jobs
Plus! Reactive Strategy; Working it Out; Standardizing the Metaverse; Probability; When Payments Work; Introducing Diff Jobs
Plus! Networks of Networks; Inefficiencies; More Privacy; Measurement Error; Textbook Piracy
Plus! Rogue Arm; Non-Dollar; The Apple Tax and Casual Games; Divvying Up Windfall Profits; Privacy Tradeoffs
Plus! What's Big on Facebook; OnlyClothed?; Elite Overproduction as Risk Aversion; A Second Cleantech Boom; Chip Consolidation
Plus! The Privacy/Security/Centralization Axes; Factors of Production; VPNs and Streaming Price Discrimination; The Belt and Road Alternative; Privacy and Tradeoffs
Plus! The Crypto Lobbying Paradox; The Metacycle; Zero Rating; A Less Full-Stack WeWork; Payments as a Public Good
Plus! Data Leaks; Invisible Put Option Exercised; Another Company Goes Subscription; The Greenwashing/Credit Spreads Arbitrage; Greenflation
Plus! Square/Afterpay; Slack and Telemedicine; The Counterintuitive Effects of Sanctions; Broker IPOs as a Contrarian Indicator; Covid Cycles
Plus! News and Views; Transaction Costs and News; Selling the Stack; Evergrande Flails
Plus! Shrinkflation; Linkages; The UK and National Champions; Retail and Constraints; Amazon and Buy-Now-Pay-Later Strategy
Plus! The Great Stagnation in Defense; 33-Bit Ads; Fixing the Value Factor; Miami Shift; More Amazon Roll-Ups
Plus! Ghost Kitchen Challenges; Ending Just-in-Time; Carbon; The Cost of a Breach; Universal Margin Improvement