Cropped tweets show why Instagram is winning
Plus! Airbnb supply, Covid-19 genes, Streaming, Silicon Slopes, Platform Paradox
Plus! Airbnb supply, Covid-19 genes, Streaming, Silicon Slopes, Platform Paradox
Plus! Pensions, Podcasts, Safe Havens, CPI, Toilet Paper, Boomers, Zoom, and more...
Plus! Loan forbearance, Return of the TRC, Brittle Supply Chains, CPMs, and more...
Plus! Location data, "The Cult of Savvy," Contrarians, $2.79 Plane Tickets, and more...
Plus! Covid-19 updates: Gift cards, big tech, infrastructure, swap lines, and more...
Plus! Podcast, Crude Contango, Supply Chains
Plus! Coronavirus (still), Swap Lines, The Product Cycle
Plus! Tech and Coronavirus, DTC, UK R&D again, Platform Peril!
Plus! 2m more barrels per day, institutional homebuyers, CFIUS...
Plus! Lambda School math, Coronavirus lead-gen, Lawtech, and 2016 (again)
Plus! IPO as coming-of-middle-age, FB’s epidemiology edge, noise in the credit card data, Big Tech’s partisan alignment, and more...
Plus! The Apple Tax, outsourcing, housing elasticity, what General Magic was missing, Iger, typos